I Plead Guilty

ok, i plead guilty.

I was praying and hoping that i would remember my password as i clicked on the blogger link in my bookmarks.

I have not been here in like ages. Why? Hmm, good question. No spectacular answer. I have been busy. I have not felt like blogging. I have not even felt like reading many blogs. I actually considered shutting down the blog, thinking i have outgrown it. But…

Here i am again, writing my first post in 2010, the Year of the Greater Light, as Pastor Chris prophesied in a live broadcast on December 31, 2009.

It will be my birthday in a few days, February 28; i will be 29. I hate to say that i am feeling old. I look back over my life, and i know that God has been good to me. I have been living my His grace. My mom is a miracle indeed. How she gets by each day alone, and so far away, gives me cause to shout. It reminds me of Joseph’s father who mourned deeply for his son for 13 years. But thank God for the grand re-union. I am looking forward to such a re-union with my mom. I owe her big time. She has sacrificed a lot and i cannot wait to wipe the sweat off her brows(figuratively speaking, because in truth, she isn’t really sweating like she should; without a job or even a handy-person to help a 60 year old woman, everyone says she looks prettier and younger and fatter)

Hmm, today is my best friends birthday. Pastor Titi Agbaje. She has been a God-sent. The sister i always wanted. We love hard and fight hard and love harder. Even her family have progressed from suspicion that we were dating to resignment that we are inseparable siblings….lol…her fiance has resigned to accepting me as part of the contract…lol…

Ok, this is just pouring out. but i will stop here. internet access is flaky and i have lots of office work to do. i have returned, i shall try to speak with grace more often…

And am changing this blog title to my personal prophecy for the year : More Grace and More Glory