#ConversationsWithGod: peace bubble

I said:

Hey, how are you? I am in a calm space but I feel like it is irresponsible to relax. I feel like it’s strange that there is no pressure or battle to fight. Not that I want to fight any battles. I guess I am just so conditioned to think that a perfect life is an illusion and we should always be on the defensive.

But I am thankful for this moment of peace. And I am trying to take your word for it and smell the roses daily. It’s a strange feeling for me who always likes to fix things.


my peace is a beautiful thing. that is why i left it with you. because you need beauty in a world that is broken. the world you live in will always be topsy turvy, but i am insulating all my children from it. my peace is the bubble through which you can float through the perils of your earth.

remember what you were reading last night in genesis. my plan for adam was not a toiling life. my plan for him was a restful life. a life of work, yes, but not work necessary to live or survive. adam’s work was meant to be a tool for him to discover the fullness i breathed into him; a way for him to express the creativity i breathed into him. even though the purpose of work has changed for humanity, it is restored for those reconnected to my being. and so you must recognise that for you, as it is for all those reconnected to me, work is only an expression of my fullness and creativity in you. it is not your means of survival or success. this is why you really should not fret, this is why tomorrow should not worry you. as you walk with me, you walk into an eternity predestined; a future equipped. just like adam walked into a fully furnished garden. the garden of eden was the physical expression of my peace bubble.

#ConversationsWithGod: remain in my word

I said:

dear god, it’s been a while. the past few days have been busy. i am grateful for our on-going conversations outside this scheduled meet-ups. i don’t have much to say. i have been up sinc 2 am trying to catch up on studies, and thinking about work. i am also thinking about the right moves to make to be sure that i get all that you have in mind for me this year. i guess i feel like life is a chess game and if i don’t make the right move, i lose the game. so i am always anxious to get it right. i am not sure that is how you want me to live. i mean, you have been telling me to smell the roses, and live in fullness, but i sometimes feel like it is irresponsibile to not plan or prepare for the future and i don’t know how to balance living each day by faith and living circumspectly.

today, or rather yesterday, opened up a great opportunity for my wife. i ask that you make a way for her on this. by the way, the other day, something curious happened. i think i got toasted by a hijab-wearing muslim woman. but i suspect you had something to do with that? seeing as me and wifey were upset and that was an interesting ice breaker for us? lol. so anyways, what have you been up to?


i always set you up. you see, i am deeply committed to making sure that all things work out for your good. i am actively involved in planning the minutest detail of your life. this is why it is pointless for you to fret over the details. let me be your father, you be my child. and all a child has to do is bask in the father’s commitment and provision.

the words that i have spoken to you are life giving words. that means they carry the power to infuse life into your being. it is not that you are trying to fulfill my words, it is that my words are fulfilled in you. my words are the unseen driver of your life, they direct the moments of your being. remember what you just read in your course work about how artificial intelligence has the potential to manipulate people’s behavior through data mining, think of my words in your life like that. there is a hidden algorithm in the words you have received from me, and meditate on, that “manipulates” your behavior into my blueprint for you. your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to remain in my word.

in other matters, the world is on my mind. i am raising a generation of believers that need to be equipped for the future that is coming. it is a future that will not honor me, it is a future that will threaten evn my elect ones. this is why my children must be grounded in my personality, this is why my chidren must be persuaded about my goodness. i need a church that has transcended the habit of religion to an unbroken walk with me. remember how i walked with adam in the garden, this is the church that must face the future, a church that actively walks with me. a church unbounded by rules or prediction. i am building you up as one of them. i am calling you to reflect that walk with me, that will inspire a generation equipped for the godless future ahead. it is only a matter of time before i close the chapter on this phase of my creation. but i am not in a hurry. i must save all whom i have saved.

#ConversationsWithGod: pause and reboot

I said:

dear god, i knew you wanted to talk yesterday but i didn’t have time to listen. i woke up with a thought ringing in my spirit about “the goodness of god”, and i knew you wanted to tell me more about that but there was just so much to do.  sometimes, it is hard balancing quiet time with you and doing life. thank you for the on-going conversations we have outside our catch-up time. today also has been busy, and as night falls i know i should spend time with you, but i am behind with two weeks of lectures, and i am already getting tired and sleepy. anyways, i am here, wearied, but ready to listen.


i know. i know how it feels to be tired, to the point where you fall asleep working. i was tired too. and yes, life can be very demanding, but you must be disciplined enough to pause your world and reboot. without a reboot you will freeze up and get nothing useful done. the thing is you think that you need to do everything, so you try to do everything. remember that it is in me that you move and live and have your being. everything you are expected to do is what i call you to do. the rest is unimportant, and you need to learn to discern the important from the demanding.

let me give you an example, it was important for me to speak  vegetation into being so i spent a whole day creating vegetation; but it was not important for me to till the ground, so i waited until man was formed and he learned to till the ground for himself. the earth produced what man tilled, but it only happened because of what i spoke.  you don’t have to do everything; all you have to do are the important things. those things i will reveal to you as you spend time with me. like they say, work smart, not hard.

about yesterday, i wanted to tell you to focus on my goodness. i see that you are letting the undramatic days color your perspective. you must remember that i set a time for everything;  in between the times, you must focus on my goodness, it follows you all the days of your life and you must remain conscious of it. this is what will keep you in between the times.

#ConversationWithGod: live in fullness

I said:

i dont know how to feel about today. it was generally good but i am not excited. because i think that there is no longer color around me. it all seems like one big shade of grey. i feel impatient for the kaliedescope that you have shown me. i feel like we are craling when we should be sprinting. i want to be there now. i want to be challenged again. i want adventure…no scracth that your kind of adventure isn’t always fun. i need to be careful what i ask you for. so anyway like faceboook would ask, this is what’s on my mind. what about you?


Patience my child. hurry never produces anything worthwhile. by now you already know that i am deliberate about everything i do. when i created earth i didnt have to do it in 7 days, but i deliberately did it that long. because the length of days is necessary for the fullness of the vision i had for earth. it is the same for you. i do not hurridley frame your world, i painstakingly create the moments that will bring you the fullness of all i have envisioned for you. slow down. smell the roses i plant for you. i want you to live in the fullness of the moments i give to you. i want you to inhale the goodness that i spread out to you. i want you to be fully formed with nothing lacking.

#ConversationsWithGod: i am with you

I said:

she came again. and again she brings a heaviness and sadness with her. sometimes it gets really weary,  not knowing whether it makes sense to keep hope alive. we don’t think that you have forgotten, it’s just that the wait gets exhausting. 

And god said:

i know and i am sorry that it feels this way. my heart breaks that your heart breaks. i know you dont feel like hearing me tell you that i am with you in this. but i am.

#ConversationsWithGod: stay in range

I said:

i didn’t hear you. i could sense that you were talking, i just could not hear the words. but i am thankful that you never leave. i am here again, waiting to hear your words, i sense that you are talking, i am just straining to hear the words

And God said:

yes i am always talking to you. the only time you will not hear me is when you go out of range. do you remember how your bluetooth headphones work? you always need to be in range. there is always transmission, but you only get reception within a certain range. i will always reach out to you but you need to always remain in me to receive from me.

i love you. nothing ever changes that. but as long as you are out of range you will miss all i have to say to you.  

we have work to do. your season of overflow is guaranteed because i have already completed my part. your role is to be rightly positioned for all that i have spoken over you to be unveiled. you are coming into a season of shifting. a shifting out of place and into place. you will need to be prepared. you will need to increase your mental and spiritual capacity.  because the overflow will demand from you the solution to everyone’s problem. i will reveal this strategy to you on a need to know basis, and that is why you cannot afford to be out of range.

#ConversationsWithGod: a picture of my personality

I said:

The other day I was scared about the future. Today I am eager for the future. I want what you have for me now. I am excited at how giddy it will make me. I imagine the laughter that will bubble up inside of me when I unwrap my future. I am happy that you love me and want to give me good gifts.

how was your day? what was important to you today? What would you like me to do for you?

And God Said:

I laugh too when I picture your excitement. I smile when I see your face as you recognise the reason for the process. I know you want it all now. But you know better. You know that the joy set ahead is the reason you will explore and grow into your future. The blessing is mostly in the journey. The prize is just an acknowledgement that you have matured. I am eager to see you display the fullness of me.

today was good for me. everyday is good because I know the end. some moments make me sad when I see the damage that my children allow into their lives. one of the most frustrating things I face is wanting to fix my kids immediately. but I am bound by my love. I love them too much to short circuit their discovery of who they really are. 

what I want you to do for me is reflect me. be the picture of my personality. many of my kids are being confused because they cannot relate with the picture that religion is painting of me. it grieves me to think that the documented stories i inspired to guide my people to me is now being used by religion to push my people away from me. this is why I want you to be a picture of my personality. I am raising a generation of believers who will be my living word. Continue to live transparently. As you document your experiences with me I will magnify my name through you. Many will read of me through you. Many will come to me because of you. All I ask of you and everyone of my kids is for them to simply reflect me to the world. just like jesus was my express image. so also I have called all who believe to be my express image. the world is waiting for your manifestation.

on a sidenote, I know the desire of your heart. I am not ignorant of what you desperately desire. do not think that I have neglected you. my timing for you is precise. while you wait, do not forget to smell the roses. that is the easiest way to get through your wait. I love you. And I am good to you. Never forget that.

#ConversationsWithGod: the vine and the branch

I said:

God sometimes I am scared of what is ahead. I know you have good plans for me. I also know I have a role to play in those plans. I worry that I may not be up to the task. I worry that I may fail. And many times I feel analysis paralysis. like right now. please help me.

And God said:

I am the vine and you are the branch. Apart from me you can do nothing. But in me you can do all things. Because I strengthen you. Fear is not of me. A little anxiety is human. But paralysis is of the devil. It is that feeling that you should be the god of your life. but that responsibility is on me not on you. I made you god of the earth but I am the god of your life.

Again I tell you, smell the roses I give you today. Rejoice and explore the blessings I shower you today. Tomorrow is in me and that is your assurance that your tomorrow is secure. 

 #ConversationsWithGod: Smell the roses 

I said:

dear god, thank you for yesterday. it is inconvenient having to return to my university to obtain my school certificate because of how unorganized and inefficient our education system is. but outside the inconvenience I am reminded of a facebook post I read recently that described how a similar inconvenient situation resulted in the person being positioned for an excellent opportunity. I cannot help but wonder – are you positioning me also?

it’s funny that I am still so sleepy during the days and wide-awake at nights. feels like I am living in two timezones.

And God said:

Positioning is key to my plans for all my children. It is always important to be in the right place for the perfect opportunity. Incidentally, positioning is sometimes achieved through inconvenient situations. but when you understand the scope of my plans for you and when you trust in the goodness of my heart towards you, you will find rest and peace even in the most inconvenient situation. 

for 2018, I have a plan of overflow for you. Yes it will require you to be rightly positioned. As you remain in me, you will know all the right moves to make. So do not fret about the process. Do not angst over the future. Smell the roses I give you today. 

by the way, you already live in two “timezones” – earth, and eternity.

#ConversationsWithGod: Remain in me

I said:

3.22am god, and i have been awake since midnight. these sleepless nights of mine seem to have continued into 2018. but i am thankful that it is not an anxious night. the first day at work after the holidays was not as intimidating as i had feared. the news i learned today was quite shocking. makes me curious about your plans for me in this context.  please help me to recognise the timing and location for each phase of my life.

meanwhile i am still struggling with how to share these conversations. i want to be your mirror to the world but i am scared of being too vulnerable and transparent. i have learned from 2017 that not every relationship is friendly.

And God said:

overflow, remember? that is what i said to you. if you are holding on too carefully to what i am pouring into you, you will not be able to overflow. you can only overflow when there is a spillage of the contents i place inside of you. do not be afraid of those who can harm the body. because even though they have capacity to do your harm, they are restricted by my intentions. no harm will befall you that i have not expressly allowed for the purpose of lifting you up. remember joseph? every evil planned and done to him was done with my permission because of where i wanted to plant him. remember jacob? laban planned to do him harm and i sent him a strict warning not to do anything to jacob. also because of my plans for jacob. rest in the confidence that i am working all things together for your good. irrespective of the intentions of the world.

i hear your concern to be able to recognse your timing. remember that i do not exist within time so everything that i will give to you i have already given to you. there is no formula to recognise your timing. but by remaining in me you will know when to make a move.

#ConversationsWithGod: A shadow of the future

I said:

Dear god, thank you for today. It was long and stressful. Spending 17 hours at London airport was exhausting. But it was not as bad as I imagined. I enjoyed watching Netflix and Amazon while waiting. Thank you also for my wife’s health. I am not sure that she was completely honest with me about how she was feeling but thank you because she was fit and comfortable enough to makethe long flight home.

I was really pissed coming home to find problems with the light, water and car. So I am thankful that it was easier and faster to resolve than I imagined. I really need to get better about my response to inconvenience. I don’t like how anxious and upset I get when things are not right because of how sad it makes my wife. please help me learn to be more calm in the middle of chaos. help me to learn to be peaceful when all hell is breaking loose. Help me to learn to work with my wife to fix bad situations instead of taking out my anger or frustration on her.

There’s a whole lot I still want to say to you but I am crazy exhausted and sleepy. It was amazing spending the whole of December abroad. It was exciting to experience snowfall for the first time. And it strikes me as very significant that we began 2018 abroad. I am pondering on the correlation between what you have spoken to us regarding 2018 and the events occuring in our lives. But I don’t want to get ahead of you. So Abba, walk with us as we get ready to go back to work on Monday. Goodnight God, you rock!

And God said:

Dear child, thank you for talking with me. I love to hear you express your thoughts. You have no idea how much I have in store for you in 2018. It is my good pleasure to give you the best things of life. Remember what I said to you – 2018 is your season of overflow. I do not speak what I have not already completed. Be rest assured that you are safe in the palm of my hands. I will guide you and lead you. Your vacation abroad is only a shadow of what is to come to you. I will love you with all of the love in me. And my love for you will fill you till you overflow. Rest well. I have heard your desires. I will work with you to show you how to sleep in a storm. Goodnight child.