When God Commands a Blessing

“The Great Investment: Faith, Family & Finance” is a TD Jakes book my wife and i are re-reading during our morning devotions. and something that stuck out to me from the book this morning is a phrase where the bishop says, and i paraphrase: greatness is sometimes dragged by people who seem unable to stand under the pressure but who are to stubborn to quit trying.

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Spiritual Lessons from BBA Housemate – Dillish Matthews

Hello World.

Wow,it’s hard to believe that blogging can become such a chore. Something i used to do almost unconsciously even in my sleep is now so much effort to sit down and write. It’s not that I do not have stuff to write about; actually i have so many ideas and stories spinning in my head but the time to sit and magically weave the words into something creative and seasoned with grace is what seems to elude me these days. But then i guess it is one of those silent signs of growth. Even Moses had to give up personal attention to community matters after a certain phase of his ministry and appoint unit heads to oversee affairs.

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The Silence of the Lamb

It has been 10 months since I last penned my thoughts on this page. I actually thought I was done with this blog page but a lot has been happening in my life through the silence. A lot of pruning and preparing by the Potters Hand. Even Jesus had his own 18 years of silence. And then he re-appeared and the world was never the same.

Today I reappear.  And my world, and yours (as you journey with me in this new season) will never be the same.