#AndGodSaid: the beginning

I said,

Wow God, look what you’ve done for us. It feels satisfying, knowing that my wife is at work and I am also at work. One month after we arrived in the UK, we both have places to wake up and go to in the morning. Thank you Abba.

Tasha and Nicki were spot on, i had no idea the weight behind their words when they told me you were going to blow my mind. I can’t thank you enough.

Cycling to work, feeling the cold air blow against my face, I feel nothing but appreciation for where you have brought us. Ofcourse, it doesn’t negate the fact that somedays I am scared shitless…and i wonder if i deserve any of this, if i am not an imposter in all of this. How can i be one of them? They’re so smart, so articulate, so exposed, so driven…and I feel like a fish out of water.

The only thing that keeps me going is remembering that you said you are with me in this. Knowing that all of this is not what i earned, but what you have gifted me. So I can trust that you’re smart enough to make the right decisions, I mean your decesions about the universe have turned out pretty accurate since from creation.

So yeah, thank you for this. I surrender to your ability


I am glad you are happy. This is just the beginning. We have more to achieve together. Enjoy my child.

#AndGodSaid: Room to Grow


Give yourself room to grow, ayomipo. i know how you feel and you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. i have brought you into a new thing, it takes time for new things to become establish. even when i created the world, everything didn’t spring up automatically, for example, i called forth the trees, but a man was still needed to till the earth. tilling takes time. do not be in a hurry to fly when you should be learning how to walk. above all, remember that this is your 7th day. i have brought you into a season of rest, not toil. your strength and your growth is not in your toiling, but in surrendering to my rest. give yourself room to grow, kiddo. i am with you always.