When God Commands a Blessing

“The Great Investment: Faith, Family & Finance” is a TD Jakes book my wife and i are re-reading during our morning devotions. and something that stuck out to me from the book this morning is a phrase where the bishop says, and i paraphrase: greatness is sometimes dragged by people who seem unable to stand under the pressure but who are to stubborn to quit trying.

this rings a bell in my spirit because at the moment i am in a situation where i feel inadequate even though i know i am up to the task. you see that’s the thing about me – i can be as bold as a lion and yet at the same time as timid as a lamb. lol. i guess that is evidence that i was made in my Fathers image.

so anyways, while meditating on the scriptures this morning to try and boost my courage the holy spirit reminded me of the story of Ruth and boaz. specifically Ruth 2 verses 15-16. and as i read it, he ministered to me that the workers of the field were not doing Ruth a favor by dropping blessings along her path. they were simply obeying the instruction of the master. it would be foolish for Ruth to begin to feel guilty for picking up sheaves she did not work for, or feeling out of place because she had to depend on the workers. you see Ruth was the recipient of the command of boaz and by that simple instruction she was qualified to run through the firld picking up barley unmolested and undisturbed.

i have been favored to be assigned a job that i have prayed and believed for. so why would i feel guilty or inadequate to function in a position i know i am skilled at? why would i feel like they were doing me a favor by offering me a job that God had ordained from the foundation of the world? why would i feel threathned by those who have been there or think they know what needs to be done.

my God has commanded a blessing. I am the recipient of the blessing. colleagues, management, governments will make decisions and take actions that will align with Gods command to drop me a blessing and not harass me.

in this revelation, i am rest assured and function.

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